Barnes-Jewish Hospital | Washington University Physicians

Genetic testing can identify immediate family at risk of HCM

As an inherited disease, HCM can run in families—and it can develop at any age. In many instances, HCM is undiagnosed until a significant heart problem occurs.

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BJC Honors Veteran with a Final Farewell

On Thursday, May 26, ahead of Memorial Day weekend, members of the BJC Veterans Connection group gathered with colleagues near Barnes-Jewish Hospital as a funeral procession prepared to leave the medical campus. Those in attendance did not know the patient, not even their name, but they felt a sense of duty.

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Two BJC Hospitals Receive National Recognition for Promoting LGBTQ+ Equality and Inclusion

Barnes-Jewish Hospital and St. Louis Children’s Hospital earn “LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leader” designations in Healthcare Equality Index

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New treatment option for patients with mitral regurgitation

A team of Washington University physicians at Barnes-Jewish Hospital is participating in a clinical investigation of a transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) system that offers an alternative to patients who are too high risk for replacement surgery.

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By Andrea Mongler

It’s 1982, and a man is having a heart attack. An ambulance rushes him to the emergency department, where he’s given a nitroglycerin tablet and a drug called nifedipine.

The treatment doesn’t seem to work, and the man’s heart sustains serious damage. An emergency physician delivers the news to the man’s family: “He might not survive the night. We’ll keep him comfortable, but there’s nothing else we can do.”

For years, this scene was a common one, played out again and again in emergency departments across the nation. Physicians did their best to care for heart attack patients—but their best too often wasn’t enough. That’s because nifedipine and other drugs used at the time simply weren’t effective.

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