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NCI Grants Extend Comprehensive Cancer Care

Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine has received renewal of its designation as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The designation recognizes Siteman’s clinical research, basic science, community outreach and education activities. The renewal includes $23 million in research funding for the next five years.

“NCI designation as a Comprehensive Cancer Center confers the highest recognition of our exceptional cancer-focused scientists, clinicians and staff throughout Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital,” says Timothy Eberlein, MD, Siteman director. “Most importantly, we are translating our cutting-edge science into better treatments for the more than 40,000 cancer patients we see each year.”

Siteman also received a new $4.27 million, five-year grant from the NCI that will enable Washington University researchers at Siteman’s Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD) to extend their work to eliminate racial and economic gaps in cancer care.

Each day, 3,400 people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer and another 1,500 die from the disease. Minorities, the medically underserved, people with low income or education levels, and those who live in rural areas form a larger percentage of these totals than their proportions in the general population. The grant will enable the program to broaden its community-based outreach, research and training programs.

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