Social workers are an integral part of the health care team, helping patients and their families cope with the challenges and problems caused by illness or life changes. A master's degree in social work is required for all Barnes-Jewish Hospital social workers. There are currently more than 45 of these highly qualified professionals in the case management services department, which also includes case managers and utilization review managers. All social work services are available for Barnes-Jewish Hospital inpatients and clinic outpatients at no charge.
As a patient at Barnes-Jewish Hospital you have specific patient rights and responsibilities. We want you to be aware of these rights and responsibilities to allow you to be well informed, participate in your health care decisions, and communicate with your health care team. Social work services include:
Psychosocial Assessment
Social workers assist patients and families in identifying ways to cope with the psychosocial aspects of illness or injury.
Admission Planning
Social workers address problems that delay or interfere with admissions to Barnes-Jewish Hospital including:
- Insurance
- Lodging
- Transportation
Advance Directives
Social workers support a patient’s right to participate in making decisions about their health care. They provide patients and families with information about advance health care instructions, including living wills, health care treatment directives and durable powers of attorney.
Barnes-Jewish Hospital respects a person's right to participate in planning his/her health care, either directly through written instructions, or by appointment of another person to make decisions when the patient is unable to communicate his/her wishes.
advance directive is one of several health care instructions such as a living will, health care treatment directive or durable power of attorney for health care. Your advance directive becomes effective only if you are unable to participate in making decisions for yourself. It is important that you discuss your preferences with your family, physician, clergy, attorney and friends so that others will be aware of your wishes.
Should you decide against completing a written advance directive, it is still a good idea to select a spokesperson to speak for you should you be unable to communicate your wishes. Be sure to let your doctor and hospital staff know whom you have selected.
If you are interested in obtaining an advance directive, you may contact a social worker at 314-362-5574.
Discharge Planning
Social workers assist in developing and implementing individual plans to ensure your care continues after you leave the hospital. Contact social work services when help is needed to arrange:
- Nursing home placement
- Rehabilitation placement
- Hospice care
- In-home community services
Community Resources
Social workers have detailed knowledge of available resources to help with problems such as:
- Housing
- Employment
- Legal issues, such as guardianships
- Finances
Crisis Intervention and Counseling
Social workers provide individual, marital or family counseling resources when illness or injury may cause any of the following:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Family conflict
- Stress
- Bereavement
- Changes in physical or mental capabilities
Support Groups
Social workers facilitate support groups for patients and families facing specific illnesses. These groups provide education and support, and offer ways to cope. Due to frequent changes within the support groups, please contact the case management office at 314-362-5574 to determine if a group is available to meet your needs.