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  • Acid Reflux (GERD) Risk Assessment
    Most people get an occasional bout of heartburn—that burning feeling in the chest about a half-hour after eating. But if you get it often, you may have GERD.
  • Alcohol Use Assessment
    Most adults who drink alcohol are moderate drinkers and are at low risk for alcohol dependence. If you're concerned about drinking use this tool to find out if you have a problem.
  • Endometriosis Risk Assessment
    Endometriosis is a common condition among women. It affects about 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Find out if you're at risk for it.
  • Stress Trigger Assessment
    Too much stress can affect both your emotional and physical health. This assessment will help you identify your life "stressors."
  • Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment
    The questions in this assessment ask about risk factors—conditions that may put you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) states that the more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to develop diabetes.
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